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Sas visual analytics dashboard examples




































Network Performance Monitor customer experience and cell tower performance to safeguard brand reputation and customer loyalty.Warranty Analysis Analyze warranty claims to quickly identify potential issues and their underlying causes.Retail Insights Analyze regional store performance, and make data-driven decisions about retail business functions EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















SAS Visual Analytics Interactive Demos | SAS

sas visual analytics dashboard examples
Image source: www.sas.com

Explore our SAS Visual Analytics interactive demos to explore a variety of industry and business issues through interactive visualization and easy-to-use analytics. Check out our interactive demos for warranty analysis, retail insights, water consumption and quality, network performance, and banking and risk insightsThis also allows me to create object templates and reuse these designs over and over again for other reports in SAS Visual Analytics.The main design theme should not interfere with the impact of the data and insight being shared.Infographics Powered by SAS: Data Visualization Techniques for Business Reporting.I am happy to share the XML VA report specification if others are keen to reuse this template - just send me a message or comment below.SAS can display the dashboard on any device, however when I want to design a formatted layout and make it work for a particular use case, I think of how the audience will interact with the report.I even nest containers to create very small areas to control my layout.This feature allows me to ensure my layout remains true to my design even if viewed on a different screen type.These objects include images, text and data.Please share your examples to this gallery.We aim to create an approachable entry point or ?on ramp? to data.In this example, I built this dashboard for the executive user in mind.

sas visual analytics dashboard examples
Image source: www.sas.com

Adding Report Objects: Building a Dashboard Style Report that Includes Alerts - SAS Video Portal

SAS Visual Analytics Interactive Demos.

Dashboarding in SAS Visual Analytics with data sci... - SAS Support Communities

If you offer sound left-brain thinking - it appeals to them.5 for SAS 9.And these are but a small subset of the overall examples that are possible within SAS Visual Analytics.g.g.) to improve the What of your data.It can apply to any industry, any data, and any use case.For more information on Correlation, please consult the documentation.g., revenue, costs, productivity, etc.4.The Why behind customer (or any) results (e.For more detailed information on Decision Trees, see related documentation and video.One of my favorite authors (if not THE favorite), Zencos Sr.Don't forget to have fun and be creative as you build these reports.Learn from this collection of community knowledge and add your expertise.Join Data Result Premium %s in the example shown.For example, you're building and naming report sections in a Where, What, Who, Now What Should The Report Consumer Do, What Else Can They Do, etc. Building a Dashboard Style Report.


SAS Visual Analytics: Mobile Business Intelligence ~ #BI #HBR | Visual analytics, Dashboard examples, Data dashboard

Dashboarding in SAS Visual Analytics with data sci.

sas visual analytics dashboard examples
Image source: datanews.levif.be

In such a short timeframe, it's impossible to process legends and the data, all at once.But let's ponder for a moment: Why would you want to set your report in motion.That?s a lot of brain activity for five seconds.) and associate that legend with the display in the graph.) I also added a scatter plot and geomap with legends that are challenging to comprehend to illustrate why report objects with legends can be unsuitable for a playable dashboard.As an author for the SAS Visual Analytics Designer User Guide, she received the Award of Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication (North Carolina).Personally, I really like this feature because it gives me the flexibility to intervene and move the report pages forward or backward, pause the playback, or exit the playback.I added five report objects that are easy to comprehend in about five seconds (a subjective estimate, of course.At the SAS world headquarters in Cary, some of her favorite spots are the yoga studio, gym, and the meditation garden.

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SAS Visual Analytics Demo for Retail YouTube

sas visual analytics dashboard examples
Image source: www.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/en_za/image/other1/va-devices.jpeg/_jcr_content/renditions/original


This video teaches you how to build a dashboard style report using a gauge object and add an alert on a measure..



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